Yesterday we discovered that there was a dead deer in the field behind the caretaker's house. There were many, many coyote and fox tracks all around. We spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what might have happened! Thinking about it now, it may have been hit by a car and wandered into the field because it looked like there had been quite a bit of internal bleeding that froze before the predators got to it.
The caretaker saw a fox tugging on the body around noon when she called to tell us about it. She also said she looked out several times during the night and thinks she may have seen a feasting fisher as well.
Won't post the most graphic pictures, but here is one, anyway. You can see how it was dragged from where it first lay:

We also set up our motion detector game camera overnight and it took 9 pictures, but we won't get the film developed until all 24 frames have been taken. Today the snow has blown over the site and most tracks are obscured.
Very interesting article... I wonder if it can be posted somewhere that revealed who may have hit the animal? I'll continue to look at this blog.